Improvement’s Great Equation

It is a little-known fact that golf is one of the most addictive drugs on the planet, it is also possible I made that up. Golf is not a drug nor is it addictive, but it can get you hooked. Personal goals and expectations will determine the kind of highs or lows you have on the golf course or driving range. Knowing what both of those mean will save you energy and, finally, make golf easy.


To improve at golf and become an excellent player will begin with setting goals. Setting your goals beyond your current capabilities is important. Setting goals should not be taken lightly, time and thought are essential to creating motivating goals. Set many small goals and one large goal.

It is essential to understand that your goals are there to keep you motivated. You create these goals to reach and exceed them. Keep in mind once you achieve your goals you should establish new goals to continue to challenge yourself.


Expectations are based on your current ability. If you have a tendency to hit slices and shanks on the driving range, it is safe to say you should expect these on the course. If that is the case, why do so many people get frustrated when they hit them? Nobody likes to hit those shots but playing with expectations which are in line with your game should be motivation. This motivation gives you something to work on later, but for now, you have a round of golf to get back to.

Always remember; playing golf is easy, playing golf with false expectations is hard.

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