Change your thinking, Change your Game!

Most golfers have a “miss” that shows up all too often. The miss could be a slice or a hook; it could be a top or a pop-up. Regardless of what your “miss” is you probably have the “cure.” The cure typically consists or keeping your head down, making a more significant turn or manipulating your hands in some fashion. Sound familiar?

When you start trying to control different parts of your body during your swing, your brain tends to get overwhelmed. To simplify, we are only going to try to control one thing, your club at impact.

Let’s quickly put this thinking into an everyday activity. When you get a pen or pencil and start writing how often have you think about how you move your arm, hand, and fingers to create words? Never, so why do we do it in golf?  Note: you don’t think about grip pressure either do you?

Thinking about the impact between the club and the ball makes everything very simple. Let’s give it a try.

If you top the ball what was the mistake you made? Did you lift your head? No. The answer is the club struck the ball above the balls equator.

So, to correct this what do you do, keep your head down? No, we want to make sure the club hits the ball below the balls equator.

Next time you’re out practicing give it a try, think about what the ball is doing and try to make the appropriate corrections with the club to see a better ball flight.

Changing your thinking might just change your game.

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